43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During the proccess of making my magazine I had to do a photoshoot for the pictures in my magazine. I used a camera to take the photos, there were lots of different modes and view types on the camera which I had to learn to use. Above is two pictures of me using a camera.

I used lots of different programs on the computer to put my magazine together. Above is a picture of me using Adobe In-design, which I learnt to use by watching a tutorial video. I learnt how to make columns the exact same size and placement and equally distribute text between them. This gave my magazine a more proffessional and neat look.

This is a picture of me using Photoshop, in which my skills on this software developed throughout the proccess of making my prelim and final product.

I learnt to use things such as stroke, in the image above. This allows me to put an outline around text and select what colour it is and how big the outline is. I used this to make my front cover stand out.

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