43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Secondary Research

Secondary Reasearch

The group (or tribe) of people I have picked to target my magazine at are Rahs. The following quote from: http://www.uktribes.com/?p=article&id=17&article=196, gives an in depth description to what a Rah is.Five years ago class was something to hide, but these days Diddy is hanging out with our Princes, Peaches Geldof is mates with Lily Allen and young people are often talking up their social standing rather than, as was conventionally the case, talking it down. Rahs have infiltrated society at all levels, provoking heated pro-/anti debates across social media and becoming as prevalent on more affluent high streets as Emos. They generally emanate from good schooling and enjoy/aspire to flamboyant lifestyles that go alongside their loudly declared opinions. The aristocracy are covered in this Tribe but it also include the only relatively privileged; those attending grammar schools and more ordinary universities. Hot spots for Rahs are often identified by a nearby branch of clothing outlet Jack Wills – areas include Clapham, Guildford and Henley. Regattas and polo matches are a mainstay on the social calendar. The lower rungs of Rahs are also extremely aspiration from an early age and are very career minded. Rahs have a very close relationship with their parents and enjoy all aspects of family life. Blue blood, old boy networks and trust funds appear regularly in the lives of the young Rah. Ugg boots also rule, as do year-round flip-flops for boys, rugby shirts, pastel colour and Ralph Lauren V-neck sweaters slung over shoulders. Big hair is important for boys and girls. One particular irritation among Rah haters is girl Rahs turning up for university lectures in what look like (and quite possibly are) pairs of pyjamas. US hip hop has really taken to the preppy look and, when in the UK, likes to hang out with the Rah elite at clubs like Bungalow 8. Rahs of the more normal variety are also big festival goers – think mainstream indie like The Kooks and Razorlight. Indeed, the UK has a fine lineage of posh rock – Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, et cetera. Loyalty to your schools or university counts for a lot among Rahs – you’ll often see them with their educational establishment emblazoned across their Jack Wills tops.Diagram from: http://www.uktribes.com/?p=article&id=17&article=196

Rahs are a niche market, so I will have to tailor the magazine so that it meets the specific needs of this group of people. I have also chosen this group as they have a lot of disposable income and will be able to afford my magazine and I will be able to attract big companies for advertising such as the brands in the diagram above, for example Fat Face, Timberland, Jack Wills and Hackett. Most of the people within this group are university students and as a result do not consume as much TV as the rest of the 'UK Tribes.' This means they get their media consumption from other media platforms, such as magazines, Radio and the Internet. This is shown in the 'Media Consumption' diagram, the consumption of magazines is very high compared to other tribes such as 'Chavs.' Female Rahs are known to buy magazines such as Grazier. Grazier is usually targeted at middle class people with high incomes, who spend lots of their disposable income on cloths and beauty products. Music magazines that are popular with Rahs are Mojo, due to its focus on mainstream indie. This is the one of the main music genres that Rahs listen to including bands such as 'The Kooks.' They also read Vibe, which focuses on Rah’s other favourite type of music, Hip-hop including artists such as 'Eminem' and '50 cent.'In conclusion Rahs are usually middle-class and have plenty of disposable income, which they mainly spend on clothes and beauty products. They are a good target audience for my magazine, because of the amount of money they have and what they spend it on. Lots of companies and brands will want to use my magazine as access to the audience and advertise to them. Also they like mainstream music and so it is easy to find the bands that they like, as they like established bands and don't really like new upcoming bands. They are fixated on the music they like (Indie and Hip-hop) and they do not change much from these genres. However, they listen to music that is slightly different to their main genres but not to different.

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